Marek Siemek o Schellingu

Robert Marszałek


Marek Siemek napisał dotychczas dwa artykuły o Schellingu, a w jego głównym dziele można znaleźć trochę uwag dotyczących tego filozofa, podobnie jak w przypisach redakcyjnych do przekładu Fichteańskiej Teorii Wiedzy. Choć Siemek nie uważa filozofii Schellinga za równie inspirującą jak koncepcje paru innych przedstawicieli klasycznego idealizmu niemieckiego, umiał przekonywająco ukazać doniosłość nauki średniego Schellinga o wolności dla właściwego samorozumienia nowoczesnego społeczeństwa. Poetry and Philosophy Ambiguous relations The paper describes the interactions between poetry and philosophy on the systematic and historical basis. The reader can find the analysis of concepts of those poets and philosophers who stressed the differences and contrasts between poetry and philosophy (e.g. Plato and advocates of the so-called pure poetry), as well as the presentation of the views arguing for close ties of the two domains (e.g. Romantics, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Dilthey, Santayana, Wittgenstein). In fact, the relations between poetry and philosophy were formed not along an a priori defined scheme, but depended on the character of poetry and philosophy in the given historical periods. Actually, the historical confrontation between poetry and philosophy reveals the bicentric character of both. Philosophy was tempted to gravitate towards literature, while poetry aimed at proclaiming universal views. Undoubtedly the common basis for both poetry and philosophy was the metaphorical and figurative use of the language as well as the experience of its limitations.

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